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Food is part of our everyday life, it is natural and we often do not think about it too much. Sometimes there are moments in life when it is useful to contact a specialist to get an advice on nutrition. Such situations can be positive, such as pregnancy, breastfeeding, complementary feeding - or we simply want to make sure that our body gets all it needs to function well.
Sometimes an illness such as diabetes, high blood pressure, allergy or intolerance comes into our lives or our children just do not thrive as expected or our grandparents start losing weight too fast. In situations like this you can consider consulting a dietitian, a specialist in nutrition with degree from a faculty of medicine.
Children nutrition
We can advise you in all stages of children nutrition - from babies, toddlers, preschoolers to school children and adolescents.
Do you plan to begin complementary feeding?
Do you want to make sure your toddler has enough nutrients in their diets so it does not need formula anymore?
Does your preschooler get enough calcium, does your schoolchild eat enough for breakfast or does your teenager consume enough protein?
We know how much of each nutrient you need in every stage of your life and are able to advice whole families how to eat well.
Do you know how much protein is needed in the diet of a child, adult and senior person?
Do you have enough calcium, iron and other vitamins and minerals in your diet?
Which foods are important in prevention of obesity, osteoporosis, cancer and other diseases?
Patients nutrition
Only a qualified dietitian can advise sick people on their diet.
Do you have diabetes, sick gallbladder, celiac disease or other health issues? We can advice you on what to exclude from your diet so your food does not make you more sick, and also what to add to the diet so that your body is not missing any important nutrients.
Have you not received enough information from your doctor on how to eat in regard of your issues? Contacts us.
Changes and trends
Not all diets are suitable for everybody. It is important to maintain a varied and long-term sustainable diet. Všechny diety nejsou vhodné pro každého.
Are you vegeterian, vegan, do you wish to try a low carb diet or have any other diet restrictions? Do you want to make sure your body gets all it needs or need help to get started?
We follow all current nutrition information in the health industry and can help you tune even less common menus.